You know what is the word’s Most Ridiculous, Bizarre women’s high heels?
but why still Some women wear them because they’re short, and others wear them because of how confident they make them feel. Whatever the reason may be, the fact is that there are some females out there who take wearing high heels to the extremes. Below is a specially made selection of the world’s most most ridiculous, bizarre women’s high heels. Don’t be stupid like these people, ladies. Enjoy!
American women who relocate to wealthier cities are more likelyto adopt the fashion preferences of those around them(including higher stilettos), while those who move to poorercities are more likely to eschew the local norm and stick with their previous wardrobe style, a newstudy from Tepper School of Business reveals. Heel height increases in wealthier areas where thelocal style accepts the higher heel as standard, assert the school’s associate professor of marketingJeff Galak and his co-authors in the paper, titled “Trickle-down preferences: Preferential conformityto high status peers in fashion choices”.